Tuesday 1 July 2014



1.Suprabhatam stotram

2.Durga Apad Udraraka Stotram

3.Durga Devi Apradh Kshama pan stotra( देव्पराधक्षमापनस्तोत्रम्)

4.Durga Saptashati - Durga Manas Puja

5.Sri Annapoorani Stotram


7.Bhavanyastakam [ भयान्तकम ]


8.Durga Saptashati - Argala Stotra (Om Jayanti Mangala Kali...)

9.Durga Kavach

10.Bhavani Bhujangam Stotram


1.Suprabhatam stotram

a.Durga Suprabhatam

b.Sri Durga bhavani suprabatham

c.sri kanak durga suprabhatam
this is the time of navratri 2009 in early glorious morning one
meditates on divine mother when birds are chirping and water is flowing
atmosphere is very serene  it includes Mata bhadrakali abhishek shringar and maha aarti which is very rare to find


d.Goddess -Sri Raja Rajeswari Suprabhatam
Mother Goddess Raja Rajeswari who is the chief deity for all the
SriVidya Upasakas (Seekers of SriVidya), manifests in every human body
in the form of Shat Chakras and establishes herself in the Sahasrara
(The Crown Chakra).
Rajarajeshwari, Goddess Rajarajeshwari Devi Tava Suprabhatham.

Goddess Rajarajeshwari -- Spiritual importance:

controls every living beings mind and sensory organs and takes the
authority over transcendental knowledge and wisdom. As per spiritual
practice, Rajarajeshwari stays on Sahasrara Chakra (the top of the head)
and also on Swadisthana Chakra. Those who worship her and perform
Rajarajeshwari pooja, keep their thoughts, desires, lifestyle and health
in control.

e.Mookambika Suprabhatam


    (श्री सिद्धेश्वरीतन्त्रान्तर्गतम्)
नमस्ते शरण्ये शिवे सानुकम्पे
नमस्ते जगद्व्यापिके विश्वरूपे
नमस्ते जगद्वन्द्य पादारविन्दे
नमस्ते जगत्तारिणि त्राहि दुर्गे
नमस्ते जगत्चिन्त्यमानस्वरूपे
नमस्ते महायोगिनि ज्ञानरूपे
नमस्ते नमस्ते सदानन्दरूपे
नमस्ते जगत्तारिणि त्राहि दुर्गे
अनाथस्य दीनस्य तृष्णातुरस्य
भयार्तस्य भीतस्य बद्धस्य जन्तोः
त्वमेका गतिर्द्देवि निस्तारकर्त्री
नमस्ते जगत्तारिणि त्राहि दुर्गे
अरण्ये णे दारुणे शत्रुमध्ये-
ऽनले सागरे प्रान्तरे राजगेहे
त्वमेकागतिर्देवि निस्तारनौका
नमस्ते जगत्तारिणि त्राहि दुर्गे
अपारे महादुस्तरेऽत्यन्तघोरे
विपत्सागरे मज्जतां देहभाजाम्
त्वमेका गतिर्द्देवि निस्तारहेतुः
नमस्ते जगत्तारिणि त्राहि दुर्गे
नमश्चण्डिके चण्डदुर्द्दण्डलीला-
त्वमेका गतिर्द्देवि निस्तारबीजं
नमस्ते जगत्तारिणि त्राहि दुर्गे
त्वमेवाघभावादृता सत्यवादी
न जाता जितक्रोधनात्क्रोधनिष्ठा
इडा पिङ्गलात्वं सुषुम्नाच नाडी
नमस्ते जगत्तारिणि त्राहि दुर्गे
मो देवि दुर्गे शिवे भीमनादे
विभूतिः शची कालरात्रिः सती त्वं
नमस्ते जगत्तारिणि त्राहि दुर्गे
शरणमसि सुराणां सिद्धविद्याधराणां
मुनिमनुजपशूनां दस्युभिस्त्रासितानाम्
नृपतिगृहगतानां व्याधिभिः पीडितानां
त्वमसि शरणमेका देवि दुर्गे प्रसीद
सर्वं वा श्लोमेकं वा यः पठेद्भक्तिमान् सदा
सर्वं दुष्कृतं त्यक्त्वा प्राप्नोति परमं पदम्
पठनादस्य भूतेशि किं सिध्यति भूतले १०


2.Durga Apad Udraraka Stotram

Namasthe saranye, shive sanukampe,
Namasthe jagad vyapike viswaroope,
Namasthe jagad vandhya padaravindhe,
Namasthe jagatharini thrahi durge. 1

Salutations to her who is the refuge,
Who is peaceful and merciful,
Salutations to her who pervades everywhere,
And who is the form of the universe,
Salutations to her whose lotus feet,
Is worshipped by the universe,
And Salutations to her who saves the universe,
With a request, "Please protect me oh, Durga".

Namasthe jagath chinthyamana swaroope,
Namasthe maha yogini, jnana roope,
Namasthe, namasthe sadananda roope,
Namasthe jagatharini thrahi durge. 2

Salutations to her whom the world meditates,
Salutations to the great Yogini, who is knowledge,
Salutations and salutations to the eternal bliss.
And Salutations to her who saves the universe,
With a request, "Please protect me oh, Durga".

Anathasya dheenasya thrushnathurasya,
Bhayarthasya bheethasya bhadasya jantho,
Thwameka gathir Devi nisthara karthri,
Namasthe jagatharini thrahi durge. 3

You are the only refuge and the one who saves,
The orphan, the oppressed and the deprived,
The fear struck, the coward and the one who is attached,
And so salutations to you who saves the universe,
With a request, "Please protect me oh, Durga".

Aranye, rane, dharune, shathru madhye,
Anale sagare pranthare raja gehe,
Thwameka gathir Devi nisthara nouka,
Namasthe jagatharini thrahi durge. 4

You are the only refuge and the boat that saves,
Me from the forest, war, danger and from midst of enemies,
Me from fire, ocean, from enemy territory and from forts of kings,
And so salutations to you who saves the universe,
With a request, "Please protect me oh, Durga".

Apare, maha dusthare athyantha ghore,
Vipath sagare majjatham deha bhajam,
Thwameka gather Devi, nisthara hethu,
Namasthe jagatharini thrahi durge. 5

You are endless and limitless,
You rescue all from becoming part of the infinite,
You are most fearsome,
You rescue my body in sinking in the sea of misery,
And you are the only way to cross this limitless ocean,
And so salutations to you who saves the universe,
With a request, "Please protect me oh, Durga".

Namaschandige, chanda durdanda leela,
Samuth gandtha aganditha sesha sathro,
Thwameka gather Devi nisthara bheejam,
Namasthe jagatharini thrahi durge. 6

Salutations that Chandika who playfully,
Killed the bad natured Chanda,
And killed those remaining enemies who were left out,
And those who were not left out,
You are my only way who sows the seed of rescue,
And so salutations to you who saves the universe,
With a request, "Please protect me oh, Durga".

Thwamevaghabhava dhrutha sathya vadi,
Na jathajitha krodhanath krodhanishta,
Ida pingala thwam sushumna cha nadi,
Namasthe jagatharini thrahi durge. 7

You get angry with those sinners and liars,
And those who do not control their anger,
And those who cannot control themselves,
You are Ida, Pingala and Sushumna,
And so salutations to you who saves the universe,
With a request, "Please protect me oh, Durga".

Namo devi durge shive Bheema nadhe,
Saraswathyarundathithyamogha swaroope,
Vibhoothi sachi kala rathri sathi thwam,
Namasthe jagatharini thrahi durge. 8

Salutations to that Goddess Durga,
Who is the consort of Shiva,
Who has the fearsome sound,
Who is Saraswathi and Arundathi,
Who has a measureless form,
Who is the innate power,
Who is Sachi devi,
Who is the deep dark night,
And who is sathi devi,
And so salutations to you who saves the universe,
With a request, "Please protect me oh, Durga".

Saranamasi suranam sidha vidhyadharanaam,
Muni manuja pasoonaam, dasyubhisthasithanaam,
Nrupathi gruha gathanaam, vyadhibhi peedithanam,
Thwamasi saranameka devi durge praseeda. 9

You are the only refuge to devas, Vidhyadharas and Sidhas,
You are the only refuge to sages, men and animals,
You are the only refuge to those punished by demons,
You are the only refuge to those sent to prison by kings,
And you are the only refuge to those attacked by diseases,
And so be pleased with me, Oh Goddess.

Sarvam vaa slokamekam vaa yah padeth bhakthiman sada,
Sa sarvam dushkrutham thyakthwa prapnodhi paramam padam. 10

Those devotees who forever,
Read fully or even one stanza of this great prayer,
Would leave all their bad fate,
And attain salvation.  =========
. http://youtu.be/geMJgItVoCE


            (श्री शंकराचार्यकृतं)
मन्त्रं नो यन्त्रं तदपि जाने स्तुतिमहो
चाह्वानं ध्यानं तदपि जाने स्तुतिकथाः
जाने मुद्रास्ते तदपि जाने विलपनं
परं जाने मातस्त्वदनुसरणं क्लेशहरणम्
विधेरज्ञाने द्रविणविरहेणालसतया
विधेयाशक्यत्वात्तव चरणयोर्या च्युतिरभूत्
तदेतत्क्षन्तव्यं जननि सकलोद्धारिणि शिवे
कुपुत्रो जाये क्वचिदपि कुमाता भवति
पृथिव्यां पुत्रास्ते जननि बहवस्सन्ति सरलाः
परं तेषां धे विरलतरलोऽहं तव सुतः
मदीयोऽयं त्यागः समुचितमिदं नो तव शिवे
कुपुत्रो जाये क्वचिदपि कुमाता भवति
जगन्मातर्मातस्तवचरणसेवा रचिता
वा दत्तं दॆवि द्रविणमपि भूयस्तव मया
तथापि त्वं स्नेहं मयि निरुपमं यत्प्रकुरुषे
कुपुत्रो जाये क्वचिदपि कुमाता भवति
परित्यक्ता देवाः विविधविधिसेवाकुलतया
मया पञ्चाशीतेरधिकमपनीते तु वयसि
इदानीं चेन्मातस्तव यदि कृपा नापि भविता
निरालम्बॊ म्बोदरजननि कं यामि शरणम्
श्वपाको जल्पाको भवति मधुपाकोपमगिरा
निरातङ्को ङ्को विहरति चिरं कोटिकनकैः
तवापर्णॆ र्णे विशति मनुवर्णे फलमिदं
जनः को जानीते जननि जपनीयं जपविधौ
चिताभस्मालेपो गरलमशनं दिक्पटधरो
जटाधारी ण्ठे भुजगपतिहारी पशुपतिः
कपाली भूतेशो भजति जगदीशैकपदवीं
भवानि त्वत्पाणिग्रहणपरिपाटीफलमिदम्
मोक्षस्याकाङ्क्षा भवविभववाञ्छापि मे
विज्ञानापेक्षा शशिमुखि सुखेच्छापि पुनः
अतस्त्वां संयाचे जननि जननं यातु मम वै
मृडानी रुद्राणी शिव शिव भवानीति जपतः
नाराधितासि विधिना विविधोपचारैः
किं रूक्षचिन्तनपरैर्न कृतं चोभिः
श्यामे त्वमे यदि किञ्चन मय्यनाथे
त्से कृपामुचितमम्ब परं तवैव
आपत्सुमग्नः स्मरणं त्वदीयं
रोमि दुर्गे करुणार्णवेशि
नैतच्छठत्वं मम भावयेथाः
क्षुधातृषार्ताः जननीं स्मरन्ति १०
जगदंब विचित्रमत्र किं परिपूर्णा करुणास्तिचेन्मयि
अपराधपरम्परावृतं नहि माता समुपेक्षते सुतम् ११
मत्समः पातकी नास्ति पापघ्नी त्वत्समा हि
एवं ज्ञात्वा महादेवि यथा योग्यं तथा कुरु १२

Durga Devi Apradh Kshama by Adi Shankara
Seeking Mercy from Goddess

na mantram no yantram tadapi ca na jane stutimaho
na cahvanam dhyanam tadapi ca na jane stutikathah
na jane mudraste tadapi ca na jane vilapanam
param jane matastva danusaranam klesaharanam 1

Neither do I know chants nor do I know methods, nor do I know how to
make prayer. I don't know how to invoke you nor how to meditate, I
have no knowledge of any songs. I don't know any signs (mudras) and I
don't know the method of imploring deep pleading. But I know one
thing for sure, if I follow you (within the folds of your love) I
will be released from all my troubles.

vidher-ajnanena dravina-virahenalasataya
vidheya sakyatvat-tava caranayor-ya cyutir-abhut
tad-etat ksantavyam janani sakaloddharini sive
kuputro jayeta kvacidapi kumata na bhavati.2

O, Kind Mother (the Liberator of all without discrimination), I don't
know the method of doing puja and I am also lazy by nature. I also do
not have the capacity to do the right kind of prayer, With all these
shortcomings, if there have been any mistakes, please overlook them.
Because a son can be bad, however, it is not in the Mother's nature
to be bad.

prthivyam putraste janani bahavah santi saralah
param tesam madhye viralataralo ham tava sutah
madiyo yam tyagah samucitamidam no tava sive
kuputro jayeta kvacidapi kumata na bhavati.3

O, Mother, on this earth you have many good sons and daughters but
out of all these I am the most bad child of yours 0, Goddess, you
have forsaken me because I have not concentrated on you, this is not
reasonable, Because a son can be bad, however, it is not in the
Mother's nature to be bad.

jaganmatarmatastava caranaseva na racita
na va dattam devi dravinamapi bhuyastava maya
tathapi tvam sneham mayi nirupamam yatprakuruse
kuputro jayeta kvachidapi kumata na bhavati 4

O, Mother of the Universe, I have never rubbed your feet or done any
sort of service, I have not given you wealth, but even strangely
enough, you are bestowing your grace on undeserving me Because a son
can be bad, however, it is not in the Mother's nature to be bad.

parityakta deva vividha-vidha-seva kulataya
maya pancagiter-adhikam-apanite tu vayasi
idanim cen-matas-tava yadi krpa napi bhavita
niralambo lambodara-janani kam yami saranam.5

O, Paravati Ma, Mother who has given birth to Ganesh, while I do
prayers to other gods, I remain busy with different kinds of works,
all gods have left me because I 'm eighty-five years, and I can not
give them all the prayers. I am despaired and I can not expect any
help from them. If you also leave me at this time where shall I go
for support except to you?

svapako jalpako bhavati madhu-pakopama-gira
niratanko ranko viharati ciram koti-kanakaih.
tavaparne karne visati manuvarne phalam-idam
janah ko janite janani japaniyam japa-vidhau 6

O, Mother! If anybody hears even a word of your chant, the result is--
even the meanest man can utter the sweet pronunciation of this chant
like honey and he becomes a very proficient speaker, The poorest man,
you will find suitable work for him (The poorest man enjoys millions
of pieces gold ) When even a word of your chant has such a result,
the ones who are doing it regularly and methodically, we can not
fathom what the result will be, and who is that mortal who can know

cita-bhasmalepo garalam-asanam dik-pata-dharo
jata-dhan kanthe bhujaga-pati-hanr pasupatih
kapall bhutego bhajati jagadlrgaika-padavim
bhavani tvatpani grahana-paripati-phalam-idam 7

O, Goddess, Bhavani, the Adi-Goddess, the one who rubs his body with
ashes and whose fool is poison, and the one whose body is nude, and
has matted hair and a necklace of cobras and a hung skull in his
hands as an alms bowl, gets that name of Jagadeesh (the Lord of the
World) what is the reason for this? How did he get such an immanent
position? It is only because of the union with you, and by this his
importance has increased

na mokshas-yakanksa bhava-vibhava-vanchapi ca na me
na vijnana-peksa sasimukhi sukhecchapi na punah
atastvam samyace janani jananam yatu mama vai
mrdani rudrani siva siva bhavaniti japatah 8

O, the Mother whose countenance is like the moon! I do not have any
desire for deliverance (moksha), I do not have any desire for worldly
wealth. I do not have any craving for knowledge. I also do not want
happiness. . . so I have this prayer that the rest of my life may
pass in uttering all the names of the Goddess.

naradhitasi vidhina vividhopacaraih
kim ruksa cintana-parair-na krtam vacobhih
syame tvameva yadi kincana mayyanathe
dhatse krpam-ucitam-amba param tavaiva 9

O, Mother! Shayam, (the blue-bodied one), I could not do methodically
your puja or prayer with various religious articles (demeaning
oneself before the Godgess). Always my meditation was not crystal
clear because it had the hurdness. What fault did I have with all
these shortcomings? You bestow on me the greatest grace which is only
deserving of you. such a merciful mother can give shelter to such an
undeserving son.

apatsu magnah smaranam tvadiyam, karomi durge karunarnavesi.
naitacchathatvam mama bhavayethah, ksudhatrsarta jananim smaranti.10

O, Mother! Durga! The ocean of mercy! I am remembering you because I
have got all around me the difficulties. I did not pray before this.
Kindly don't consider this prayer of mine as my wickedness, because
the child who is suffering from hunger and thirst, only remembers the

jagadamba vicitram atra kim, paripurna karunasti cenmayi
aparadha-parampara-param na hi, mata samupeksate sutam 11

O, Mother of the universe. I am not surprised, because of your
complete grace. A son may do fault after fault, but the mother never
ignores him.

matsamah pataki nasti papaghni tvatsama na hi
evam jnatva mahadevi yatha-yogyam tatha kuru 12

O, Mahadevi, Great Goddess, there is no sinner like me on the earth
and there is no other person condoning the sins except you. Knowing
all this, you do whatever you think is reasonable.


==============with eng


4.Durga Saptashati - Durga Manas Puja

4.Durga Saptashati - Durga Manas Puja
Durga Manas Puja (दुर्गामानस पूजा) (Porpitiating Maa Durga in Mind while
imagining various acts of Pooja is a very powerful method of prayer.)
((दुर्गामानस पूजा
Durga Manas Puja

आमृष्टां सुरसुन्दरीभिरभितो हस्ताम्बुजैर्भक्ति तो मात: सुन्दरि भक्त कल्पलतिके श्रीपादुकामादरात्॥1॥

एतच्चम्पककेतकीपरिमलं तैलं महानिर्मलं गन्धोद्वर्तनमादरेण तरुणीदत्तं गृहाणाम्बिके॥2॥

तत्केशान् परिशोध्य कङ्कतिकया मन्दाकिनीस्त्रोतसि स्नात्वा प्रोज्ज्वलगन्धकं भवतु हे श्रीसुन्दरि त्वन्मुदे॥3॥

महापरिमलोज्ज्वलां सरसशुद्धकस्तूरिकां गृहाण वरदायिनि त्रिपुरसुन्दरि श्रीप्रदे॥4॥

मातर्भास्वरभानुमण्डललसत्कान्तिप्रदानोज्ज्वलं चैतन्निर्मलमातनोतु वसनं श्रीसुन्दरि त्वन्मुदम्॥5॥

हारो वक्षसि कङ्कणौ क्वणरणत्कारौ करद्वन्द्वके विन्यस्तं मुकुटं शिरस्यनुदिनं दत्तोन्मदं स्तूयताम्॥6॥

राजत्कज्जलमुज्ज्वलोत्पलदलश्रीमोचने लोचने तद्दिव्यौषधिनिर्मितं रचयतु श्रीशाम्भवि श्रीप्रदे॥7॥

गृहाण मुखमीक्षितुं मुकुरबिम्बमाविद्रुमै-र्विनिर्मितमघच्छिदे रतिकराम्बुजस्थायिनम्॥8॥
कस्तूरीद्रवचन्दनागुरुसुधाधाराभिराप्लावितं चञ्चच्चम्पकपाटलादिसुरभिद्रव्यै: सुगन्धीकृतम्।
देवस्त्रीगणमस्तकस्थितमहारत्‍‌नादिकुम्भव्रजै रम्भ: शाम्भवि संभ्रमेण विमलं दत्तं गृहाणाम्बिके॥9॥
कह्लारोत्पलनागकेसरसरोजाख्यावलीमालती- मल्लीकैरवकेतकादिकुसुमै रक्ता श्वमारादिभि:।
पुष्पैर्माल्यभरेण वै सुरभिणा नानारसस्त्रोतसा ताम्राम्भोजनिवासिनीं भगवतीं श्रीचण्डिकां पूजये॥10॥
मांसीगुग्गुलचन्दनागुरुरज:कर्पूरशैलेयजैर्माध्वीकै: सह कुङ्कुमै: सुरचितै: सर्पिर्भिरामिश्रितै:।
सौरभ्यस्थितिमन्दिरे मणिमये पात्रे भवेत् प्रीतये धूपोऽयं सुरकामिनीविरचित: श्रीचण्डिके त्वन्मुदे॥11॥
घृतद्रवपरिस्फुरद्रुचिररत्‍‌नयष्ट्यान्वितो महातिमिरनाशन: सुरनितम्बिनीनिर्मित:।
सुवर्णचषकस्थित: सघनसारवत्र्यान्वित-स्तव त्रिपुरसुन्दरि स्फुरति देवि दीपा मुदे॥12॥
जातीसौरभनिर्भरं रुचिकरं शाल्योदनं निर्मलं युक्तं हिङ्गुमरीचजीरसुरभिद्रव्यान्वितै‌र्व्यञ्जनै:।
पक्वान्नेन सपायसेन मधुना दध्याज्यसम्मिश्रितं नैवेद्यं सुरकामिनीविरचितं श्रीचण्डिके त्वन्मुदे॥13॥

सुधामधुरिमाकुलं रुचिररत्‍‌नपात्रस्थितं गृहाण मुखपङ्कजे स्फुरितमम्ब ताम्बूलकम्॥14॥
शरत्प्रभवचन्द्रम:स्फुरितचन्द्रिकासुन्दरं गलत्सुरतरङ्गिणीललितमौक्ति काडम्बरम्।
गृहाण नवकाञ्चनप्रभवदण्डखण्डोज्ज्वलं महात्रिपुरसुन्दरि प्रकटमातपत्रं महत्॥15॥
मातस्त्वन्मुदमातनोतु सुभगस्त्रीभि:सदाऽऽन्दोलितं शुभ्रं चामरमिन्दुकुन्दसदृशं प्रस्वेददु:खापहम्।
सद्योऽगस्त्यवसिष्ठनारदशुकव्यासादिवाल्मीकिभि: स्वे चित्ते क्रियमाण एव कुरुतां शर्माणि वेदध्वनि:॥16॥

कोलाहलैराकलिता तवास्तु विद्याधरीनृत्यकला सुखाय॥17॥

तत्र लौल्यमपि सत्फलमेकं जन्मकोटिभिरपीह न लभ्यम्॥18॥
एतै: षोडशभि: पद्यैरुपचारोपकल्पितै:।
य: परां देवतां स्तौति स तेषां फलमापनुयात्॥19॥



5.Sri Annapoorani Stotram



. अन्नपूर्णास्तॊत्रम्

        (श्री शंकराचार्यकृतम्)

नित्यानन्दकरी वराभयकरी सौन्दर्यरत्नाकरी

निर्धूताखिलघॊरपापनिकरी प्रत्यक्षमाहॆश्वरी

प्रालॆयाचलवंशपावनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी

भिक्षां दॆहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णॆश्वरी

नानारत्नविचित्र भूषणकरी हॆमाम्बराडम्बरी


काश्मीरगरुवासितारुचिकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी

भिक्षां दॆहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णॆश्वरी


यॊगानन्दकरी रिपुक्षयकरी धर्मैकनिष्ठाकरी

चन्द्रार्कानलभासमानलहरी त्रैलॊक्यरक्षाकरी

सर्वैश्वर्यकरी तपःफलकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी

भिक्षां दॆहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णॆश्वरी


कैलासाचलकन्दरालयकरी गौरीह्युमाशंकरी

कौमारी निगमार्थगॊचरकरी ऒंकारबीजाक्षरी

मॊक्षद्वारकवाटपाटनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी

भिक्षां दॆहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णॆश्वरी


दृश्यादृश्यविभूतिभावनकरी ब्रह्माण्डभाण्डॊदरी

लीलानाटकसूत्रखॆलनकरी विज्ञानदीपाङ्कुरी

श्रीविश्वॆशमनःप्रसादनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी

भिक्षां दॆहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णॆश्वरी 


उर्वी सर्वजनॆश्वरी जयकरी माता कृपासगरी

नारी नीलसमानकुन्तलधरी नित्यान्नदानॆश्वरी

सर्वानन्दकरी दशाशुभकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी

भिक्षां दॆहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णॆश्वरी


आदिक्षान्तसमस्तवर्णनिकरी शंभॊस्त्रिभावाकरी

काश्मीरा त्रिपुरॆश्वरी त्रिलहरी नित्याङ्कुरी शर्वरी

कामाकाङ्क्षकरी जनॊदयकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी

भिक्षां दॆहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णॆश्वरी 


दॆवी सर्वविचित्ररत्नरुचिरा दाक्षायणी सुन्दरी

वामा स्वादुपयॊधरा प्रियकरी सौभाग्यमाहॆश्वरी

भक्ताभीष्टकरी सदाशुभकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी

भिक्षां दॆहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णॆश्वरी


चन्द्रार्कानलकॊटिकॊटिसदृशा चन्द्रांशुबिम्बाधरी

चन्द्रार्काग्निसमानकुण्डलधरी चन्द्रार्कवर्णॆश्वरी

मालापुस्तकपाशकाङ्कुशधरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी

भिक्षां दॆहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णॆश्वरी


क्षत्रत्राणकरी महाभयकरी माता कृपासागरी

साक्षान्मॊक्षकरी सदाशिवकरी विश्वॆश्वरी श्रीधरी

दक्षाक्रन्दकरी निरामयकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी

भिक्षां दॆहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णॆश्वरी १०


अन्नपूर्णॆ सदापूर्णॆ



भिक्षां दॆहि पार्वति ११

माता पर्वती दॆवी

पिता दॆवॊ महॆश्वरः

बान्धवाः शिवभक्ताश्च
स्वदॆशॊ भुवनत्रयम् १२

                      Translated in to English verse

      These prayer gems addressed to Annapurneswari , the
queen mother of Varanasi is one of the greatest stotras in existence. Chanting
or singing this will help one to achieve all ambitions.

kari,Varaa abhya karee,
ghora pavaanakaree,
vamsa pavavakaree,
dehi, krupaa valambana karee,

Hey , Mother
Who is
The  Goddess of Kasi2,
Who helps
others with kindness,
Who makes
all days deliriously happy,
Who gives
boons and shelter to all,
Who is the
epitome of all beauty,
Who cleans
up all sorrows from life,
Who is the
ever-visible Goddess of the world,
Who is
the  star of the family of Himavan3,
give me alms,
Ocean of
kindness and compassion.

Naana rathna
vichitra bhooshana karee,
Mukthaa haara
vilamba maana vilasa,
Dwakshoja kumbaan
Kasmeera garu
vasithaa ruchi karee,
dehi, krupaa valambana karee,
Mathaa Annapurneswaree

Hey , Mother
Who is
The  Goddess of Kasi,
Who is
adorned with jewels of variety,
Who is
dressed in  golden silk,
Who  has a
beautiful chest,
with golden chains full of gems,
Who is the
epitome of all beauty,
give me alms,
Ocean of
kindness and compassion..

ripu kshyakaree,
Dharman artha
bhasa maana laharee,
Trilokya rakshaa
samastha vaanchithakaree,
dehi, krupaa valambana karee,
Mathaa Annapurneswaree

Hey ,
Mother Annapurneswari,
Who is
The  Goddess of Kasi,
Who gives
bliss through Yoga4,
destroys enemies,
Who makes
dharma5  and wealth permanent,
Who shines
like moon , sun and fire,
Who takes
care of all the three worlds,
Who gives
all the wealth,
fulfills all wishes,
give me alms,
Ocean of
kindness and compassion..

kandharaa laya karee,
Gowree , umaa
nigamartha gochara karee,
Moksha dwaara
kavata patana karee,
Kasi puraadheeswaree,
dehi, krupaa valambana karee,
Mathaa Annapurneswaree

Hey ,
Mother Annapurneswari,
Who is
The  Goddess of Kasi,
Who lives
in a cave in Mount Kailasa6,
Who is
also called Gauri7, Uma8 and Sankari9,
Who is an
ever-blissful maiden,
Who is
known only through  meaning of Vedas10,
Who is
personification of “OM11”,
Who opens
the gates of  Moksha12,
Please give me
Ocean of kindness
and compassion..
Drusyaa drusya
vibhootha vahana karee,
Brhmaanda  bhando
Leelaa nataka
suthra kelana karee,
Vijnana deeptham
Sree viswesa  mana
prasaadhana karee,
dehi, krupaa valambana karee,
Mathaa Annapurneswaree

Hey ,
Mother Annapurneswari,
Who is
The  Goddess of Kasi,
Who is the
vehicle of the seen and unseen ,
Who is
carrying  the universes inside her,
Who cuts
of attachment to this world,
Who is the
beacon of light for all science,
Who  makes
the Lord of Universe happy,
give me alms,
Ocean of
kindness and compassion..

Urvee sarva
janeswaree bhagawathee,
Maatha krupaa
Venee neela
samaana kunthala dharee,
bhayaa shubhakaree,
dehi, krupaa valambana karee,
Mathaa Annapurneswaree

Hey ,
Mother Annapurneswari,
Who is
The  Goddess of Kasi,
Who is the
Goddess of earth and its beings,
Who is the
knowledge, wealth and valour of the world,
Who is the
ocean of compassion,
Who has
lustrous blue hair,
Who gives
happiness to all,
Who is
personification of happiness,
give me alms,
Ocean of
kindness and compassion..

Aadhi kshaantha
samastha varna nikaree,
Shabho tribhaava
tripureswaree  trilaharee,
Kamaa kamksha
karee janodhaya karee,
dehi, krupaa valambana karee,
Mathaa Annapurneswaree

Hey ,
Mother Annapurneswari,
Who is
The  Goddess of Kasi,
Who is
described by all alphabets,
Who gives
Shambhu13  the three powers,
Who is
Kashmira14 the Goddess of three cities,
Who is the
intoxicant in three forms,
Who gives
rise to daily existence,
Who is the
enemy of all sorrows,
fulfills the desire of  every one,
Who is
dawn in life of all,
give me alms,
Ocean of
kindness and compassion.

Devee sarva
vichitra rathna rachithaa,
Vama swadu payodhara
sadaa shubhakaree,
dehi, krupaa valambana karee,
Mathaa Annapurneswaree

Hey ,
Mother Annapurneswari,
Who is
The  Goddess of Kasi,
Who is
adorned with all precious gems,
Who is the
daughter of Daksha15,
Who is the
epitome of beauty,
Who feeds
all the world her milk of song and  writing,
Who is the
Goddess of all ,
Who is the
fortune of all,
fulfills the wishes of devotees,
Who always
does good,
give me alms,
Ocean of
kindness and compassion.

koti koti sadrusaa,
bhimbaan dharee,
samaana kunthala dharee
Maala pustaka
pasasangusa dharee,
dehi, krupaa valambana karee,
Mathaa Annapurneswaree

Hey ,
Mother Annapurneswari,
Who is
The  Goddess of Kasi,
Who is
like billions of moon , sun and fire,
smile is like the rays of the moon,
Whose hair
has the luster of moon, sun and fire,
Who is
coloured like the moon and the sun,
Who has a
chain of beads and a book in her hands,
Who has a
spear and  rope also in her hands,
give me alms,
Ocean of
kindness and compassion.

mahaa bhayakaree,
Mthaa krupaa
mokshakaree sadaa shiva karee,
Daksha krundha
karee niraa mayakaree,
dehi, krupaa valambana karee,
Mathaa Annapurneswaree

Hey mother
Who is the
Goddess of Kasi,
protects the duties of kings,
Who gives
great protection,
Who is the
great mother,
Who is
the ocean of mercy,
Who gives
perennial salvation,
Who always
does good,
Who is the
goddess of all universe,
Who  has
all the wealth in the world,
insulted  Daksha15,
Who gives
great health,
give me alms,
Ocean of
kindness and compassion.

Annapurne sadaa
Sankara praana
Jnana vairagya
Bikshaa  dehee cha

Hey ,
Mother Annapurneswari,
Who is the
darling of Sankara16,
give me  alms,
knowledge and  renunciation.,
For me

Mathaa cha
Parvathy Devi,
Pithaas cha
Bandhawa Shiva
Swadesho Bhuvana

My mother
is Goddess Parvathy17,
My father
is God Maheswara18,
relations are the devotees of Shiva,
And my
country is the universe.

1-A form
of Parvathy with a pot of food in one hand and ladle in another.
Benares , the holiest city of Hindus
Himalaya Mountains , the father of Goddess Parvathi
4-A mental
and physical disciopline used by Hindus to get Moksha.
ultimate duty   
Mountain on which  Lord Shiva and Parvathy live.
–Names of Goddess Parvathy.
four holy books of Hindus.
the first and most holy sound
or hindu concept of becoming one with God
13-Name of
God Shiva
14-One of
the names of Goddess Parvathy
of Sati devi  alias Goddess Parvathi
16-Name of
God Shiva
daughter of mountains, the consort of Lord Shiva
18-Lord of
the the Universe , a name of Lord Shiva



http://youtu.be/WcgD6psnzyw======with meaning in english


 श्री महिषासुरमर्द्दिनीस्तोत्रम्
अयिगिरिनन्दिनि नन्दितमॆदिनि विश्वविनोदिनि नन्दनुते
गिरिवरविन्ध्यशिरोऽधिनिवासिनि विष्णुविलासिनि जिष्णुनुते
भगवति हे शितिकण्ठकुटुम्बिनि भूरिकुटुम्बिनि भूरिकृते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते
सुरवरवर्षिणि दुर्धरधर्षिणि दुर्मुखमर्षिणि हर्षरते
त्रिभुवनपोषिणि शंकरतोषिणि किल्बिषमोषिणि घोषरते
दनुजनिरोषिणि दितिसुतरोषिणि दुर्मदशोषिणि सिन्धुसुते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते
अयि जगदम्ब मदम्ब कदम्बवनप्रियवासिनि हासरते
शिखरिशिरोमणि तुङ्गहिमालयशृङ्गनिजालयमध्यगते
मधुमधुरॆ मधुकैटभगञ्जिनि कैटभभञ्जिनि रासरते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते
अयि शतखण्ड विखण्डित रुण्डवितुण्डित शुण्डगजाधिपते
रिपुगजगण्ड विदारण चण्डपराक्रम शुण्डमृगाधिपते
निजभुजदण्डनिपातित खण्डविपातित मुण्डभटाधिपते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते
अयि रणदुर्मद शत्रुवधोदित दुर्धर निर्ज्जर शक्तिभृते
चतुरविचार धुरीण महाशिव दूतकृत प्रमथाधिपते
दुरित दुरीह दुराशय दुर्मति दानवदूतकृतान्तमते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते
अयि शरणागत वैरि वधूवर वीरवराभयदायकरे
त्रिभुवनमस्तक शूलविरोधिशिरोऽधिकृतामलशूलकरे
धुमिधुमितामर दुन्दुभिनाद हो मुखरीकृत तिग्मकरे
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते
अयि निजहुङ्कृतिमात्रनिराकृत धूम्रविलोचनधूम्रशते
समरविशोषितशोणितबीज समुद्भवशोणित बीजलते
शिव शिव शुम्भनिशुम्भ महाहव तर्पितभूतपिशाचरतॆ
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुतॆ
धनुरनुसंग रणक्षणसंग परिस्फुरदंग नटत्कटके
कनकपिशङ्गपृषत्कनिषङ्ग रसद्भटशृङ्ग हतावटुके
कृतचतुरङ्ग बलक्षितिरङ्ग घटद्बहुरङ्ग रटद्बटुके
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते
जय जय जप्यजये जयशब्द परस्तुतितत्पर विश्वनुते
भण भण भञ्जिमि भिंकृत नूपर शिञ्जितमोहित भूतपते
नटितनटार्ध नटीनटनायक नाटितनाट्य सुगानरते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते
अयि सुमनः सुमनः सुमनः सुमनोहरकान्तियुते
श्रितरजनी रजनी रजनी रजनीकर वक्त्रवृते
सुनयन विभ्रमर भ्रमर भ्रमर भ्रमर भ्रमराधिपते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते १०
सहितमहाहवमल्लमतल्लिक मल्लितरल्लक मल्लरते
विरचितवल्लिक पल्लिक मल्लिक भिल्लिक भिल्लिक वर्गवृते
सितकृतफुल्लसमुल्लसितारुण तल्लज पल्लव सल्ललिते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते ११
अविरलगण्डगलन्मद मेदुर मत्तमतङ्गज राजपते
त्रिभुवन भूषण भूतकलानिधि रूपपयॊनिधि राजसुते
अयि सुदतीजन लालसमानस मॊहन मन्मथ राजसुते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते १२
कमलदलामलकोमलकान्तिकलाकलितामल फालतले
सकल विलास कलानिलयक्रम केलि चलत् कलहंसकुले
अलिकुलसङ्कुलकुवलयमण्डल मौलि मिलद्बकुलालिकुले
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते १३
करमुरलीरव  वीजितकूजित लज्जितकोकिलमञ्जुमते
मिलितपुलिन्द नोहरगुञ्जित रंजित शैलनिकुंजगते
निजगणभूतमहाशबरीगण सद्गुण संभृत केलितले
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते १४
कटितटपीतदुकूलविचित्रमयूख तिरस्कृत चन्द्ररुचे
प्रणत सुरासुर मौलिमणिस्फुरदंशुलसन्नखचन्द्ररुचे
जितकनकाचल मौलिपदोर्जित निर्भरकुञ्जरकुंभकुचे
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते १५
विजितसहस्रकरैक सहस्रकरैक सहस्रकरैकनुते
कृतसुरतारक  संगरतारक संगरतारक सूनुसुते
सुरथसमाधि समानसमाधि समाधि समाधि सुजातरते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते १६
पदकमलं करुणानिलये वरिवस्यति योऽनुदिनं शिवे
अयि कमलॆ कमलानिलये कमलानिलयः कथं वेत्
तवपदमे परंपदमित्यनुशीलयतो मम किं शिवे
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते १७
कनकलसत्कलसिन्धुजलैरनुसिञ्चिनुतॆ गुणरङ्गभुवं
भजति किं शचीकुचकुम्भ तटीपरिरम्भसुखानुभवम्
तव चरणं शरणं करवाणि नतामरवाणि निवासि शिवं
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते १८
तव विमलेन्दुकुलं वदनेन्दुमलं सकलं ननु कूलयते
किमु पुरुहूतपुरीन्दुमुखीसुमुखीभिरसौ विमुखीक्रियते
मम तु मतं शिवनामधने भवती क्रुपया किमुतत्क्रियते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते १९
अयि मयि दीनदयालुतया कृपयैव त्वया भवितव्यमुमे
अयि जगतो जननी कृपयासि यथासि तथाऽनुमितासिरते
यदुचितमत्र भवत्युररीकुरुतादुरुतापमपाकुरु
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्द्दिनि रम्यकपर्द्दिनि शैलसुते २०


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Mahishasura Mardini Stotram : Aigiri Nandini Nandita Medini - in sanskrit with meaning - Stotra on Devi Durga
- composed by Sri Ramakrishna Kavi (also attributed to Sri Adi Shankaracharya)

महिषासुरमर्दिनि   स्तोत्रम् :   अयि   गिरिनन्दिनि   नन्दितमेदिनि
Mahishasura Mardini Stotram: Ayi Girinandini Nanditamedini
Devi Durga

1. Maa Durga - The Daughter of the Mountain and Joy of the World

Ayi Giri-Nandini Nandita-Medini Vishva-Vinodini Nandi-Nute
Giri-Vara-Vindhya-Shiro-[A]dhi-Nivaasini Vissnnu-Vilaasini Jissnnu-Nute |
Bhagavati He Shiti-Kannttha-Kuttumbini Bhuri-Kuttumbini Bhuri-Krte
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 1 ||

1.1: Salutations to the Daughter of the Mountain, Who Fills the whole World with Joy, For Whom the whole World is a Divine Play and Who is Praised by Nandi,
1.2: Who Dwell on the Summit of the Vindhyas, the Best of the Mountains, Who Gives Joy to Lord Vishnu (being His sister) and Who is Praised by Lord Indra,
1.3: O Goddess, Who is the Consort of Lord Shiva with Blue Throat, Who has Many Many Relations in this World (being the Cosmic Mother) and Who Created Abundance,
1.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

2. Maa Durga - Destroys the Danavas and the Daityas and Nourishes the Three Worlds

Suravara-Varssinni Durdhara-Dharssinni Durmukha-Marssinni Harssa-Rate
Tribhuvana-Possinni Shangkara-Tossinni Kilbissa-Mossinni Ghossa-Rate
Danuja-Nirossinni Diti-Suta-Rossinni Durmada-Shossinni Sindhu-Sute
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 2 ||

2.1: (Salutations to the Divine Mother) Who Shower Boons on the Devas, Who Overpowered the Demon Durdhara (literally meaning Unrestrainable), Who Endured the Demon Durmukha (literally meaning Foul-Mouthed) and finally killed him and Who Delight in Her own Bliss,
2.2: Who Sustain and Nourish the Three-Worlds and Delight Lord Shiva by Removing the Sins (i.e. Sinful Demons) by Indulging Herself in the Tumult of the Battle,
2.3: Who Quel the Wrath of the Danavas (Born from Danu), Who is Angry with the Daityas (Son of Diti), Who Dry Up the Foolish Pride of Demons and Who is the Daughter of the Ocean (as Devi Lakshmi),
2.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

3. Maa Durga - Destroyer of the Demons Madhu and Kaitabha

Ayi Jagad[t]-Amba Mad-Amba Kadamba Vana-Priyavaasini Haasa-Rate
Shikhari Shiro-Manni Tungga-Himalaya Shrngga-Nija-[Aa]laya Madhya-Gate |
Madhu-Madhure Madhu-Kaittabha-Gan.jini Kaittabha-Bhan.jini Raasa-Rate
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 3 ||

3.1: Salutations to the Mother of the Universe, Who is My Own Mother, Who Likes to Live in the Forest of Kadamba Trees and Delight in Laughter and Mirth,
3.2: Whose Abode is In the Middle of the Crest-Jewel of Peaks of the Lofty Himalayas,
3.3: Who is As Sweet as Honey, Who Subdued the Pride of the Demons Madhu and Kaitabha, Who Destroyed the Demons (Madhu and) Kaitabha, Indulging in the Din and Uproar of the Great Battle,
3.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

4. Maa Durga - Destroyer of the Demons Chanda and Munda

Ayi Shata-Khanndda Vikhannddita-Runndda Vitunnddita-Shunnda Gaja-[A]dhipate
Ripu-Gaja-Ganndda Vidaaranna-Canndda Paraakrama-Shunndda Mrga-[A]dhipate |
Nija-Bhuja-Danndda Nipaatita-Khanndda Vipaatita-Munndda Bhatta-[A]dhipate
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 4 ||

4.1: Salutations to the Conquerer of the Enemy's Elephants Who Cut off their Trunks and Heads, and the Headless Bodies into Hundred Pieces,
4.2: Whose Lion Fiercely Tear Asunder the Faces of the Powerful Elephants of the Enemies,
4.3: Who Felled the Heads of Demons (Chanda) and Munda with the Weapons in Her Arms and Conquered the (Enemy) Warriors,
4.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

5. Maa Durga - Made Lord Shiva the Messenger against Shumbha and Nisumbha

Ayi Ranna-Durmada Shatru-Vadho[a-U]dita Durdhara-Nirjara Shakti-Bhrte
Catura-Vicaara Dhuriinna-Mahaashiva Duuta-Krta Pramatha-[A]dhipate |
Durita-Duriiha Duraashaya-Durmati Daanava-Duta Krtaanta-Mate
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 5 ||

5.1: Salutations to the Divine Mother Who was Manifested to Destroy the Battle-Intoxicated Arrogant Demons and Who is the Possessor of Unrestrainable and Imperishable Power,
5.2: Who Made Lord Shiva Her Messenger,  that Lord Shiva Who is Distinguished by Cleverness in Deliberation and is the Lord of the Ghosts and Goblins,
5.3: Who is Honoured for Bringing an End (i.e. Rejecting) to the Proposal (of marrying Shumbha or Nishumbha) of the Evil-Minded and Ignorant Messenger of the Demon (and hence bringing an end to the demons themselves).
5.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

6. Maa Durga - Pardons the Enemy Heroes when their Wives take Refuge

Ayi Sharannaagata Vairi-Vadhuvara Viiravara-[A]bhaya Daaya-Kare
Tribhuvana-Mastaka Shula-Virodhi Shiro-[A]dhikrta-[A]mala Shula-Kare |
Dumi-Dumi-Taamara Dhundubhi-Naadam-Aho-Mukhariikrta Dingma-Kare
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 6 ||

6.1: Salutations to the Divine Mother Who Gave Abhaya to the Heroic Soldiers of the Enemy when their Good Wives took Her Refuge.
6.2: Whose Pure Trident in Hand Capture the Heads of the Heads (Rulers) of the Three Worlds who Oppose Her Trident.
6.3: Whose Victory gives rise to Dumi-Dumi Sound of Dundubhi Drum flowing incesantly like Water which fills All the Directions with Joy.
6.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

7. Maa Durga - Destroyer of the Demons Dhumralocana, Raktabija and Shumbha Nishumbha

Ayi Nija-Hungkrti Maatra-Niraakrta Dhumravilocana Dhumra-Shate
Samara-Vishossita Shonnita-Biija Samudbhava-Shonnita Biija-Late |
Shiva-Shiva-Shumbha Nishumbha-Mahaahava Tarpita-Bhuta Pishaaca-Rate
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 7 ||

7.1: Salutations to the Divine Mother Who Reduced Demon Dhumralocana into Hundred Smoke Particles (i.e. Ashes) with a Mere Humkara.
7.2: Who Dried up the Strength of the original Demon Raktabija and Similar Raktabijas Produced from him like a Creeper Chain (from each drop of blood Seed ) during the Battle.
7.3: Whose Great Auspicious Sacrifice (resembling a Yajna) of Shumbha and Nishumbha Satisfied the Ghosts and Fiends (attending Lord Shiva).
7.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

8. Maa Durga - Destroys the Chaturanga of the Enemy

Dhanur-Anussangga Ranna-Kssanna-Sangga Parisphurad-Angga Nattat-Kattake
Kanaka-Pishangga Prssatka-Nissangga Rasad-Bhatta-Shrngga Hataa-Battuke |
Krta-Caturangga Bala-Kssiti-Rangga Ghattad-Bahu-Rangga Rattad-Battuke
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 8 ||

8.1: (Salutations to the Divine Mother) Whose Bracelet Dances on Her Shining Arms Following the Movements of Her Bow during Each Instant of the Battle.
8.2: Whose Golden Arrows become Reddish (with blood) when they Cling to the Stupid Enemies and Slay them inspite of their Howls and Screams at the Top of their Voice (displaying vain pride).
8.3: Who Turns the Four-Fold Array (Caturanga) of Enemies surrounding Her from all sides during the battle, consisting of Many Heads of Various Colours who Stupidly Howl and Scream (displaying their vain pride), INTO a Play of Decreasing Strength (of the Caturanga).
8.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

9. Maa Durga - Whose Battle expresses as Celestial Dance

Sura-Lalanaa Tatatheyi Tatheyi Krta-Abhinayo-[U]dara Nrtya-Rate
Krta Kukuthah Kukutho Gaddadaadika-Taala Kutuuhala Gaana-Rate |
Dhudhukutta Dhukkutta Dhimdhimita Dhvani Dhiira Mrdamga Ninaada-Rate
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 9 ||

9.1: (Salutations to the Divine Mother) Following the Rhythm of the Great Battle, the Celestial Dancers are Dancing the rhythm of Ta-Tha-Theyi, Ta-Theyi, and expressing the sentiment of the battle with their Dramatic Acting,
9.2: Their Music have Created the Tense Eagerness with the Talas (musical beats) like Ku-Kutha, Ku-Kutha, Ga-Da-Dha, Ga-Da-Dha ...
9.3: ... and a Steady Deep Sound of Dhu-Dhu-Kuta, Dhu-Kuta, Dhim-Dhimi in the background from the Mridangam (a musical instrument),
9.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

10. Maa Durga - Occupies Half of the Body of Lord Shiva

Jaya Jaya Japya Jaye-Jaya-Shabda Para-Stuti Tat-Para-Vishva-Nute
Jhanna-Jhanna-Jhin.jhimi Jhingkrta Nuupura-Shin.jita-Mohita Bhuuta-Pate |
Nattita Nattaardha Nattii Natta Naayaka Naattita-Naattya Su-Gaana-Rate
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 10 ||

10.1: (Salutations to the Divine Mother) Who is Praised by the Whole World; For Whom they Mutter Victory Prayers before the Battle, Shout Victory Shouts after the Battle which is then Followed by Singing Her Stuthi (Eulogy).
10.2: Whose Anklets Jingling with the Jhana-Jhana Sound Captivate Lord Shiva, the Lord of the Ghosts and Goblins.
10.3: Who Dance as Half of the Body of Lord Shiva, where the Male and the Female Dancers (having a single body) is the Hero of the Cosmic Play which is taking place along with Beautiful Song (Divine Sound of Nada).
10.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

11. Maa Durga - Union of Beautiful Mind and Charming Appearance

Ayi Sumanah-Sumanah-Sumanah Sumanah-Sumanohara-Kaanti-Yute
Shrita-Rajanii Rajanii-Rajanii Rajanii-Rajanii Kara-Vaktra-Vrte |
Sunayana-Vi-Bhramara Bhramara-Bhramara Bhramara-Bhramara-[A]dhipate
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 11 ||

11.1: Salutations to the Divine Mother Whose Beautiful Mind is United with a Charming Appearance.
11.2: Whose Beautiful Face makes Subserviant the Beauty of the Moon Light of Night by Hiding them with It's Beauty.
11.3: Whose Beautiful Eyes Conquer the Beauty of the Bees by Their Own Beauty.
11.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

12. Maa Durga - Accompanied by Army of Jasmine-Like Girls against excellent Fighters

Sahita-Mahaahava Mallama-Tallika Malli-Tarallaka Malla-Rate
Viracita-Vallika Pallika-Mallika Jhillika-Bhillika Varga-Vrte |
Shita-Krta-Phulla Samullasita-[A]runna Tallaja-Pallava Sal-Lalite
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 12 ||

12.1: (Salutations to the Divine Mother) Who is Accompanied in the Great Battle against Excellent Wrestlers (Fighters), by Girls who appear Tender like Jasmine who are Fighting against the Enemies.
12.2: Whose Accompaniments are Composed of Girls from the Bheel Tribe who are Tender like Creepers of Village Jasmine and buzz like Swarms of Bees (or Crickets).
12.3: On Whose Face Plays a Smile Created by Joy which appears like Dawn Shining forth with Red Colour and Blossoming the Excellent Buds.
12.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

13. Maa Durga - From Whom Emerges all Arts, Beauty and Power

Avirala-Ganndda Galan-Mada-Medura Matta-Matangga ja-Raaja-Pate
Tri-Bhuvana-Bhussanna Bhuuta-Kalaanidhi Ruupa-Payo-Nidhi Raaja-Sute |
Ayi Sudatii-Jana Laalasa-Maanasa Mohana Manmatha-Raaja-Sute
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 13 ||

13.1: (Salutations to the Divine Mother) Who is like a Royal Intoxicated Elephant from whose Cheeks the Thick Mada (Intoxicant) Oozes out and Falls Incessantly (in the form of Arts, Beauty and Power).
13.2: Who is the Daughter of the King and from Whom comes the Treasures of Arts, Beauty and Power which are Ornaments of the Three Worlds.
13.3: Who is like the Daughter of Manmatha (God of Love) who gives rise to the Desires and Infatuation in the Mind for Women with Beautiful Smile.
13.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

14. Maa Durga - Whose Forehead is Stainless and Pure like a Lotus Petal

Kamala-Dala-[A]mala Komala-Kaanti Kalaa-Kalita-[A]mala Bhaalalate
Sakala-Vilaasa Kalaa-Nilaya-Krama Keli-Calat-Kala Hamsa-Kule |
Alikula-Sangkula Kuvalaya-Mannddala Mouli-Milad-Bakula-Ali-Kule
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 14 ||

14.1: (Salutations to the Divine Mother) On Whose Stainless, Shining Forehead is Artistically Curved the Tender Beauty of a Spotless, Shining Lotus Petal.
14.2: Whose Movement resembles the Playful, Soft Movements of a Flock of Swans from Which All Schools of Arts are Manifested in Succession.
14.3: Whose Ornamented and Braided Hair Combines the Beauty and Sweetness of the Blue Water Lily Crowded by Swarm of Bees AND the Bakula Flower infested with a Swarm of Bees.
14.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

15. Maa Durga - Whose Voice is Sweeter than Flute and Cuckoo

Kara-Muralii-Rava Viijita-Kuujita Lajjita-Kokila Man.ju-Mate
Milita-Pulinda Manohara-Gun.jita Ran.jita-Shaila Nikun.ja-Gate |
Nija-Ganna-Bhuuta Mahaa-Shabarii-Ganna Sad-Gunna-Sambhrta Keli-Tale
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 15 ||

15.1: (Salutations to the Divine Mother) Who makes the Sound of Flute in Hand appear Wet and Monotonous and puts the Cuckoo to Shame by the Beauty (of Her Voice) ...
15.2: When She Hums Heart-Stealing Songs along with the Girls of the Pulinda Tribe Walking in the Brightly Coloured (due to blooming flowers) Grooves of the Mountain ...
15.3: And Plays with the Tribal Women of Her Group who are filled with Good Virtues.
15.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

16. Maa Durga - On Whose Radiant Toe-Nails Prostate the Devas and the Asuras

Kattitatta-Piita Dukuula-Vicitra Mayukha-Tiraskrta Candra-Ruce
Prannata-Suraasura Mouli-Manni-Sphura d-Amshula-Sannakha Candra-Ruce
Jita-Kanaka-[A]cala Mouli-Mado[a-Uu]rjita Nirbhara-Kun.jara Kumbha-Kuce
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 16 ||

16.1: (Salutations to the Divine Mother) Whose Waist is Soaked with Silk Clothes of Various Colours, the Lustre of Which Eclipses the Brightness of the Moon.
16.2: On Whose Toe-Nails Which Throb with the Radiance of a Gem in the Diadem and Spreads Its Brightness like a Moon, Prostate the Devas and the Asuras.
16.3: Who Wins over the Mighty Heads which are Swollen with Pride like Golden Mountain, with the Pre-eminence (of Power and Compassion) Abounding in Her Pitcher-Like Bosom.
16.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

17. Maa Durga - Who is Pleased with Devotional Contemplation of both: like Suratha as well as Samadhi

Vijita-Sahasra-Karaika Sahasra-Karaika Sahasra-Karaika-Nute
Krta-Sura-Taaraka Sanggara-Taaraka Sanggara-Taaraka Suunu-Sute |
Suratha-Samaadhi Samaana-Samaadhi Samaadhi-Samaadhi Sujaata-Rate |
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 17 ||

17.1: (Salutations to the Divine Mother) Who Conquers Thousands of Enemies who fight against Her with Thousands of Hands thus Making Thousands of Hands (of Devotees) Praise Her.
17.2: Who Created the Rescuer of the Devas (Her Son Kartikeya) to Fight with Demon Tarkasura, and then Urged Her Son for that Great Fight.
17.3: Who is Pleased with both: Devotional Contemplation like King Suratha for Worldly Gain, and the Excellent Devotional Contemplation like Merchant Samadhi for Spiritual Knowledge.
17.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

18. Maa Durga - An Abode of Devi Mahalakshmi

Pada-Kamalam Karunnaa-Nilaye Varivasyati Yo-[A]nudinam Su-Shive
Ayi Kamale Kamalaa-Nilaye Kamalaa-Nilayah Sa Katham Na Bhavet |
Tava Padam-Eva Param-Padam-Ity-Anushiilayato Mama Kim Na Shive
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 18 ||

18.1: (Salutations to the Divine Mother) Whoever Serves Your Highly Auspicious Lotus Feet Everyday, Which is an Abode of Compassion ...
18.2: (Serves) That Lotus (Lotus Feet), Which is an Abode of Kamala (Goddess Mahalakshmi), Will He Not Himself Become an Abode of Kamala (i.e. Prosperous)?
18.3: Your Feet Indeed is the Supreme Feet (i.e. Supreme Refuge); How can I Not Practise Devotion Towards them, O Auspicious Mother?
18.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

19. Maa Durga - An Abode of Devi Mahasaraswati

Kanaka-Lasat-Kala-Sindhu-Jalair-Anussin.cati Te-Gunna-Rangga-Bhuvam
Bhajati Sa Kim Na Shacii-Kuca-Kumbha-Tattii-Parirambha-Sukha-[A]nubhavam |
Tava Carannam Sharannam Kara-Vaanni Nata-Amara-Vaanni Nivaasi Shivam
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 19 ||

19.1: (Salutations to the Divine Mother) When a Devotee Washes the Place where Your Attributes are Exhibited (i.e. Your Place of Worship) with Water from River which is Shining like Gold and Flowing Softly ...
19.2: Will He not Feel the Joy of Your All-Embracing Grace contained in Your Pitcher-Like Bosom?
19.3: I Take Refuge at Your Feet, O Vani (Devi Mahasaraswati), and I Prostate before You, O Eternal Vani (Devi Mahasaraswati), in Whom Resides All Auspiciousness.
19.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

20. Maa Durga - Whose Pure Moon-Like Face Subdues our Impurities

Tava Vimale[a-I]ndu-Kulam Vadane[a-I]ndu-Malam Sakalam Nanu Kuula-Yate
Kimu Puruhuuta-Purii-Indu Mukhii Sumukhiibhir-Asou Vimukhii-Kriyate |
Mama Tu Matam Shiva-Naama-Dhane Bhavatii Krpayaa Kimuta Kriyate
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 20 ||

20.1: (Salutations to the Divine Mother) Your Moon-Like Face is the Abode of Spotless and Stainless Purity which Certainly Subdues All Impurities.
20.2: Otherwise, Why have my Mind Turned Away from the Moon-Faced Beautiful Ladies like those present in Indra's Castle?
20.3: According to My Opinion; Without Your Grace, How is it possible to Discover the Treasure of Shiva's Name within us?
20.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

21. Maa Durga - Who Shower Grace on Devotees in the same manner as Arrows on Enemies

Ayi Mayi Diina Dayaalu-Tayaa Krpaya-Iva Tvayaa Bhavitavyam-Ume
Ayi Jagato Jananii Krpayaasi Yathaasi Tathanu-mita-Asira-Te |
Yad-Ucitam-Atra Bhavatyurarii-Kurutaa-Duru-Taapam-Apaakurute
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 21 ||

21.1: (Salutations to the Divine Mother) You Must Bestow Your Grace on Me, O Mother Uma, Who is Compassionate to the Miserable.
21.2: O Mother of the Universe; Just as Your Grace is Showered (on the Devotees), In the Same Manner are Your Arrows Scattered (on the Enemies).
21.3 Please do Whatever is Appropriate at this time, O Worshipful Mother, to Remove My Sorrows and Afflictions which has become Difficult for me to bear.
21.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.



तातो माता बन्धुर्न दाता
पुत्रो पुत्री भृत्यो भर्ता
जाया विद्या वृत्तिर्ममैव
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि
भवाब्धावपारे महादुःखभीरुः
पपात प्रकामी प्रलोभी प्रमत्तः
कुसंसारपाशप्रबद्धः सदाहम्
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि
जानामि दानं ध्यानयोगं
जानामि तन्त्रं स्तोत्रमन्त्रम्
जानामि पूजां न्यासयोगं
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि
जानामि पुण्यं जानामि तीर्थं
जानामि मुक्तिं लयं वा कदाचित्
जानामि भक्तिं व्रतं वापि मातः
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि
कुकर्मी कुसङ्गी कुबुद्धिः कुदासः
कुलाचारहीनः कदाचारलीनः
कुदृष्टिः कुवाक्यप्रबन्धः सदाहं
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि
प्रजेशं मेशं हेशं सुरेशं
दिनेशं निशीथेश्वरं वा कदाचित्
जानामि चान्यत् सदाहं शरण्ये
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि
विवादे विषादे प्रमादे प्रवासे
ले चानले पर्वते शत्रुमध्ये
अरण्ये शरण्ये सदा मां प्रपाहि
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि
अनाथो दरिद्रो जरारोगयुक्तो
महाक्षीणदीनः सदा जाड्यवक्त्रः
विपत्तौ प्रविष्टः प्रणष्टः सदाहं
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि


7.Bhavani Ashtakam -  in sanskrit with meaning - Stotra on Devi Bhavani
- composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya

भवान्यष्टकम् - न   तातो   न   माता
Bhavanya-Ashtakam - Na Tato Na Mata
Devi Bhavani

Na Taato Na Maataa Na Bandhur-Na Daataa
Na Putro Na Putrii Na Bhrtyo Na Bhartaa |
Na Jaayaa Na Vidyaa Na Vrttir-Mama-Iva
Gatis-Tvam Gatis-Tvam Tvam-Ekaa Bhavaani ||1||

1.1: Neither the Father, nor the Mother; Neither the Relation and Friend,  nor the Donor,
1.2: Neither the Son, nor the Daughter; Neither the Servant, nor the Husband,
1.3: Neither the Wife, nor the (worldly) Knowledge; Neither my Profession,
1.4: You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

Bhavaabdhaav-Apaare Mahaa-Duhkha-Bhiiru
Pa-Paata Pra-Kaamii Pra-Lobhii Pra-Mattah |
Ku-Samsaara-Paasha-Pra-Baddhah Sada-[A]ham
Gatis-Tvam Gatis-Tvam Tvam-Ekaa Bhavaani ||2||

2.1: In this Ocean of Worldly Existence which is Endless, I am full of Sorrow and Very much Afraid,
2.2: I have Fallen with Excessive Desires and Greed, Drunken and Intoxicated,
2.3: Always Tied in the Bondage of this miserable Samsara (worldly existence),
2.4: You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

Na Jaanaami Daanam Na Ca Dhyaana-Yogam
Na Jaanaami Tantram Na Ca Stotra-Mantram |
Na Jaanaami Puujaam Na Ca Nyaasa-Yogam
Gatis-Tvam Gatis-Tvam Tvam-Ekaa Bhavaani ||3||

3.1: Neither do I know Charity,  nor Meditation and Yoga,
3.2: Neither do I know the practice of Tantra, nor Hymns and Prayers,
3.3: Neither do I know Worship, nor dedication to Yoga,
3.4: You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

Na Jaanaami Punnyam Na Jaanaami Tiirtha
Na Jaanaami Muktim Layam Vaa Kadaacit |
Na Jaanaami Bhaktim Vratam Vaapi Maatar-Gatis-Tvam
Gatis-Tvam Gatis-Tvam Tvam-Ekaa Bhavaani ||4||

4.1: Neither do I Know Virtuous Deeds, nor Pilgrimage,
4.2: I do not know the way to Liberation, and with little Concentration and Absorption,
4.3: I know neither Devotion, nor Religious Vows; Nevertheless Oh Mother,
4.4: You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

Ku-Karmii Ku-Sanggii Ku-Buddhih Kudaasah
Kula-[Aa]caara-Hiinah Kadaacaara-Liinah |
Ku-Drssttih Ku-Vaakya-Prabandhah Sada-[A]ham
Gatis-Tvam Gatis-Tvam Tvam-Ekaa Bhavaani ||5||

5.1: I performed Bad Deeds, associated with Bad Company, cherished Bad Thoughts,  have been a Bad Servant,
5.2: I did not perform my Traditional Duties,  deeply engaged in Bad Conducts,
5.3: My eyes Saw with Bad Intentions,  tongue always Spoke Bad Words,
5.4: You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

Praje[a-Is]sham Rame[a-Is]sham Mahe[a-Is]sham Sure[a-Is]sham
Dine[a-Is]sham Nishiitha-Ishvaram Vaa Kadaacit |
Na Jaanaami Caanyat Sada-[A]ham Sharannye
Gatis-Tvam Gatis-Tvam Tvam-Ekaa Bhavaani ||6||

6.1: Little do I know about The Lord of Creation (Brahma), The Lord of Ramaa (Goddess Lakshmi) (Vishnu), The Great Lord (Shiva), The Lord of the Devas (Indra),
6.2: The Lord of the Day (Surya) or The Lord of the Night (Chandra),
6.3: I do not know about other gods, but always seeking Your Refuge,
6.4: You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

Vivaade Vissaade Pramaade Pravaase
Jale Ca-[A]nale Parvate Shatru-Madhye |
Arannye Sharannye Sadaa Maam Prapaahi
Gatis-Tvam Gatis-Tvam Tvam-Ekaa Bhavaani ||7||

7.1: During Dispute and Quarrel, during Despair and Dejection, during Intoxication and Insanity, in Foreign Land,
7.2: In Water, and Fire, in Mountains and Hills, amidst Enemies,
7.3: In Forest, please Protect me,
7.4: You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

Anaatho Daridro Jaraa-Roga-Yukto
Mahaa-Kssiinna-Diinah Sadaa Jaaddya-Vaktrah |
Vipattau Pravissttah Pranassttah Sadaaham
Gatis-Tvam Gatis-Tvam Tvam-Ekaa Bhavaani ||8||

8.1: I am Helpless, Poor, Afflicted by Old Age and Disease,
8.2: Very Weak and Miserable, always with a Pale Countenance,
8.3: Fallen Asunder, Always surrounded by and Lost in Troubles and Miseries,
8.4: You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

===sans text


8.Argala Stotram - in sanskrit with meaning - Stotra on Devi Durga

- from Devi Mahatmayam (recited before the core text)
अर्गलास्तोत्रम् - जयन्ती   मङ्गला   काली
Argala Stotram - Jayanti Mangala Kali
Devi Durga
Devi Durga

जय त्वं देवि चामुण्डे जय भूतापहारिणि
जय सर्वगते देवि कालरात्रि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥१॥
Jaya Tvam Devi Caamunndde Jaya Bhuu-Taapa-Haarinni |
Jaya Sarva-Gate Devi Kaalaraatri Namostu Te ||1||

1.1: Victory to You, O Devi Chamunda, Victory to You Who are the Remover of Worldly Afflictions and Sorrows,
1.2: Victory to You O Devi, Who are Present in All Beings; Salutations to You, O Devi Kalaratri (a form of Devi Durga, literally means the Dark Night).


Devi Durga
जयन्ती मङ्गला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी
दुर्गा शिवा क्षमा धात्री स्वाहा स्वधा नमोऽस्तु ते ॥२॥
Jayantii Manggalaa Kaalii Bhadrakaalii Kapaalinii |
Durgaa Shivaa Kssamaa Dhaatrii Svaahaa Svadhaa Namostu Te ||2||

2.1: Salutations to the Ever-Victorious and Ever-Auspicious Devi Kali, Salutations to Devi Bhadrakali Who Wear a Garland of Skulls,
2.2: Salutations to Devi Durga, the Ever-Auspicious One, and One with Shiva (as His Consort), Who is the embodiment of Forbearance and Supporter of All Beings; Who is Swaha (the cosmic being to whom the individual being is surrendered) and Swadha (the cosmic being to whom the sacrificial offering goes); Salutations to You.


Devi Durga
मधुकैटभविध्वंसि विधातृवरदे नमः
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥३॥
Madhu-Kaittabha-Vidhvamsi Vidhaatr-Varade Namah |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||3||

3.1: Salutations to Devi Durga Who Destroyed the Demons Madhu and Kaitabha, thus Granting the Boon of Protection to Sri Brahma.
3.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
महिषासुरनिर्नाशि भक्तानां सुखदे नमः
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥४॥
Mahissaasura-Nirnaashi Bhaktaanaam Sukhade Namah |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||4||

4.1: Salutations to Devi Durga Who Destroyed (to the very root) the Demon Mahishasura; Salutations to Her Who Gives Great Joy to the Devotees.
4.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
धूम्रनेत्रवधे देवि धर्मकामार्थदायिनि
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥५॥
Dhuumranetra-Vadhe Devi Dharma-Kaama-Artha-Daayini |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||5||

5.1: Salutations to Devi Durga Who Slayed the Demon Dhumranetra (Dhumralochana); Salutations to Her Who is the Giver of Dharma (path of Righteousness), Kama (Fulfilment of Desires) and Artha (Prosperity) to Her Devotees.
5.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
रक्तबीजवधे देवि चण्डमुण्डविनाशिनि
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥६॥
Raktabiija-Vadhe Devi Canndda-Munndda-Vinaashini |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||6||

6.1: Salutations to Devi Durga Who Slayed the Demon Raktabija and Destroyed the Demons Chanda and Munda.
6.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
निशुम्भशुम्भनिर्नाशि त्रैलोक्यशुभदे नमः
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥७॥
Nishumbha-Shumbha-Nirnaashi Trailokya-Shubhade Namah |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||7||

7.1: Salutations to Devi Durga Who Destroyed (to the very root) the Demons Nishumbha and Shumbha; Salutations to Her Who Bestows Auspiciousness in the Three Worlds.
7.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
वन्दिताङ्घ्रियुगे देवि सर्वसौभाग्यदायिनि
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥८॥
Vandita-Angghri-Yuge Devi Sarva-Saubhaagya-Daayini |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||8||

8.1: Salutations to Devi Durga Whose Pair of Feet is Praised by All, and Who is the Bestower of All Welfare and Good Fortune.
8.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
अचिन्त्यरूपचरिते सर्वशत्रुविनाशिनि
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥९॥
Acintya-Ruupa-Carite Sarva-Shatru-Vinaashini |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||9||

9.1: Salutations to Devi Durga Whose Form and Acts are Beyond Comprehension, and Who is the Destroyer of All Enemies.
9.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
नतेभ्यः सर्वदा भक्त्या चापर्णे दुरितापहे
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥१०॥
Natebhyah Sarvadaa Bhaktyaa Ca-Aparnne Durita-Apahe |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||10||

10.1: Salutations to Devi Aparna (another name of Devi Durga) to Whom the Devotees Always Bow with Devotion and who Keeps Away the Devotees from Sins,
10.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
स्तुवद्भयो भक्तिपूर्वं त्वां चण्डिके व्याधिनाशिनि
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥११॥
Stuvadbhayo Bhakti-Puurvam Tvaam Cannddike Vyaadhi-Naashini |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||11||

11.1: O Devi Chandika, those who Praise You with full Devotion, You Destroy their Diseases and Ailments.
11.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
चण्डिके सततं युद्धे जयन्ति पापनाशिनि
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥१२॥
Cannddike Satatam Yuddhe Jayanti Paapa-Naashini |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||12||

12.1: Salutations to Devi Chandika, Who is Always Victorious in the Battles, and Who is the Destroyer of all Sins.
12.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
देहि सौभाग्यमारोग्यं देहि देवि परं सुखम्
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥१३॥
Dehi Saubhaagyam-Aarogyam Dehi Devi Param Sukham |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||13||

13.1: O Devi, Please Bestow on me Welfare and Prosperity, along with Health and freedom from Diseases; O Devi, Please Give me the Highest Joy,
13.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
विधेहि देवि कल्याणं विधेहि विपुलां श्रियम्
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥१४॥
Vidhehi Devi Kalyaannam Vidhehi Vipulaam Shriyam |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||14||

14.1: O Devi, Please Bestow on me Good Fortune; O Devi, Please Give me Abundant Prosperity,
14.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
विधेहि द्विषतां नाशं विधेहि बलमुच्चकैः
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥१५॥
Vidhehi Dvissataam Naasham Vidhehi Balam-Uccakaih |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||15||

15.1: O Devi, Please Destroy my Enemies; O Devi, Please Give me Great Strength,
15.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥१६॥
Sura-Asura-Shiro-Ratna-Nighrsstta-Caranne-[A]mbike |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||16||

16.1: Salutations to Devi Ambika, To Whose Feet the Devas Rub (i.e. Touch) their Heads adorned with Jewels out of Devotion, and To Whose Feet the Heads of the mighty Asuras adorned with Jewels get Subdued.
16.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
विद्यावन्तं यशस्वन्तं लक्ष्मीवन्तञ्च मां कुरु
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥१७॥
Vidyaavantam Yashasvantam Lakssmiivantan.ca Maam Kuru |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||17||

17.1: O Devi, Please Make me Full with Knowledge, Please Make me Full with Glory and Please Make me Full with the attributes of Lakshmi (Beauty and Prosperity).
17.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
देवि प्रचण्डदोर्दण्डदैत्यदर्पनिषूदिनि
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥१८॥
Devi Pracanndda-Dordanndda-Daitya-Darpa-Nissuudini |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||18||

18.1: Salutations to Devi Durga, Who Destroys the Mighty Pride of the Excessively Violent and Powerful Demons.
18.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
प्रचण्डदैत्यदर्पघ्ने चण्डिके प्रणताय मे
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥१९॥
Pracanndda-Daitya-Darpa-Ghne Cannddike Prannataaya Me |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||19||

19.1: My Salutations to Devi Chandika, Who is the Destroyer of the Terrible Demons with Mighty Pride,
19.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
चतुर्भुजे चतुर्वक्त्रसंस्तुते परमेश्वरि
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥२०॥
Caturbhuje Catur-Vaktra-Samstute Param-[Ii]eshvari |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||20||

20.1: Salutations to the Supreme Goddess Durga, Who is Praised by Lord Brahma with all His Four Faces and all His Four Hands.
20.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
कृष्णेन संस्तुते देवि शश्वद्भक्त्या सदाम्बिके
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥२१॥
Krssnnena Samstute Devi Shashvad-Bhaktyaa Sada-Ambike |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||21||

21.1: Salutations to the Supreme Devi Ambika, Who is Always Praised by Lord Krishna with a Continuous Flow of Devotion.
21.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
हिमाचलसुतानाथसंस्तुते परमेश्वरि
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥२२॥
Himaacala-Sutaa-Naatha-Samstute Param-[Ii]eshvari |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||22||

22.1: Salutations to the Supreme Goddess Durga, Who is Praised by the Lord of the Daughter of the Himachal Mountain (i.e. by Lord Shiva).
22.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
इन्द्राणीपतिसद्भावपूजिते परमेश्वरि
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥२३॥
Indraannii-Pati-Sadbhaava-Puujite Param-[Ii]eshvari |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||23||

23.1: Salutations to the Supreme Goddess Durga, Who is Worshipped with True Devotion by the Consort of Indrani (i.e. by Indra Deva).
23.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
देवि भक्तजनोद्दामदत्तानन्दोदयेऽम्बिके
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥२४॥
Devi Bhakta-Jano[a-U]ddaama-Datta-[A]anando-[U]daye-[A]mbike |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||24||

24.1: Salutations to Devi Ambika, Who Gives Rise to an Upsurge of Unbounded Joy in the Hearts of the Devotees.
24.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
भार्या मनोरमां देहि मनोवृत्तानुसारिणीम्
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥२५॥
Bhaaryaa Manoramaam Dehi Mano-Vrtta-Anusaarinniim |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||25||

25.1: O Devi, Please Grant me a Beautiful Wife matching my Mental Disposition,
25.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
तारिणि दुर्गसंसारसागरस्याचलोद्भवे
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥२६॥
Taarinni Durga-Samsaara-Saagarasya-Acalo[a-U]dbhave |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||26||

26.1: Salutations to Devi Durga, Who took Birth from Mountain (i.e. daughter of mountain king) and Who Enables us to Cross the Difficult Ocean of the Samsara (Worldly Existence).
26.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.


Devi Durga
इदं स्तोत्रं पठित्वा तु महास्तोत्र पठेन्नरः
सप्तशतीं समाराध्य वरमाप्नोति दुर्लभम् ॥२७॥
Idam Stotram Patthitvaa Tu Mahaastotra Patthen-Narah |
Saptashatiim Sama-[A]araadhya Varam-Aapnoti Durlabham ||27||

27.1: Having Read this Stotra (i.e. the Argala Stotra), one should then Read the Great Stotra (i.e. the core Durga Saptashati),
27.2: This Stotra (i.e. Argala Stotra) is Equally Revered like the Saptashati; By Reading this with Devotion, one Obtains difficult to obtain Boons.

8.Durga Saptashati - Argala Stotra (Om Jayanti Mangala Kali...)



ईश्वर उवाच
शृणु देवि प्रवक्ष्यामि कवचं सर्वसिद्धिदम्
पठित्वा पाठयित्वा रो मुच्ये सङ्कटात्
उमा देवी शिरः पातु ललाटं शूलधारिणी
चक्षुषी खेचरी पातु वदनं सर्वधारिणी
जिह्वां चण्डिका देवी  ग्रीवां सौभद्रिका तथा
शोकवासिनी चेतो द्वौ बाहू वज्रधारिणी
हृदयं ललिता देवी उदरं सिंहवाहिनी
कटिं भगवती देवी द्वावूरू विन्ध्यवासिनी
महाबाला ङ्घे द्वे पादौ भूतलवासिनी
एवं स्थिताऽसि देवि त्वं त्रैलोक्यरक्षणात्मिके
रक्ष मां सर्वगात्रेषु दुर्गे दॆवि मोऽस्तु ते



9.Durga Kavacham
(The armour of Durga)
Translated by

(Durga is the fierce form of Goddess Parvathi who protects every one. I was not able to know the author or the source of this great armour)

Srunu devi pravakshyami Kavacham sarva sidhitham,
Padithwa padayithwa cha naro muchyathe sankadath.                                         1

Oh Devi, I am telling you the armour which gets you everything,
Reading or making others read, men get rid of all their sorrows.

Ajnathwa kavacham devi durga mantram cha yojayeth,
Sa cha apnothi balam thasya pancha nagam vrajeth puna.                                    2

If he who does not know , learns this Kavacham,
Along with the Durga mantram,
He would add to himself  the strength,
Of the five serpents again.

Umadevi sira pathu, lalalde soola dharini,
Chakshshi kesari pathu, karnou cha dwara vasini.                                                 3

Let Uma devi protect my head,
Let my forehead be protected by her who carries the soola,
Let the lion protect my eyes,
And let her who lives near the gate protect my ears.

Sugandha nasike pathu, vadanam sarva dharini,
Jihwa chandika devi, greevam soupathrika thadha.                                                 4

Let she who is like incense protect my nose,
Let she who carries everything protect my face,
Let Chandika devi protect my toungue,
Let Soupathrika protect my  neck.

Asoka vasini chetho, dhvow bahu vajra dharini,
Hrudayam lalitha devi, udaram simha vahini.                                                         5

Let Asoka vasini protect my consciousness
Let Vajra dharini protect my two arms,
Let Lalitha Devi protect my heart,
Let my belly be protected by She who rides on a lion.

Katim Bhagawathi devi, dwavooru Vindhya vasini,
Maha Bala Jange , dhwe padhou bhoothalavasini,.                                                  6

Let Bhagwathi Devi protect my hips,
Let She who lives on Vindhya protect my two thighs,
Let the very strong one protect my  calf,
And let she who lives on all beings protect my two feet.

Evam sthithasi devi thwam trilokye  rakshanathmika,
Raksha maam sarva gathreshu , durga devi namosthuthe.                                        7

Thus stands the devi who protects the three worlds,
Please protect all my body parts,
My salutations to Goddess Durga.



सुधामण्डलं द्रावयन्तीं पिबन्तीं
सुधामूर्तिमीडे चिदानन्दरूपाम्
त्रिकोणे निषण्णां जे श्री भवानीम्
जेशाच्युताद्यैः सुरैः सेव्यमानं
महादेवि मन्मूर्ध्नि ते भावयामि
न्महारत्नकाञ्चीकलापं नितम्बम्
स्फुरद्दक्षिणावर्तनाभिं तिस्रो
वलीरम्ब ते रोमराजीं जेऽहम्
पमश्री स्तनद्वन्द्वमम्बाम्बुजाक्षि
जे दुग्धपूर्णाभिरामं वेदं
महाहारदीप्तं सदा प्रस्नुतास्यम्
ज्ज्वलद्भिर्लसन्तीं जे श्री भवानीम्
धरस्मेरवक्त्रारविन्दां सुशान्ताम्
महासुप्रसन्नां जे श्री भवानीम्
सुनासापुटं सुन्दरभ्रूललाटं
तवौष्ठश्रियं दानदक्षं कटाक्षम्
ललाटे लसद्गन्धकस्तूरिभूषं
घनस्निग्द्धधम्मिल्लभूषोज्ज्वलं ते
इति श्रीभवानी स्वरूपं वेदं
प्रपञ्चात्परं चातिसूक्ष्मं प्रसन्नम्
स्फुरत्वम्ब डिंभस्य मे हृत्सरोजे
सदा वाङ्मयं सर्वतेजोमयं १०
णेशाभिमुख्याखिलैः शक्तिबृन्दैर्-
वृतां वै स्फुरच्चक्रराजोल्लसन्तीम्
परां राजराजेश्वरि त्रैपुरि त्वां
शिवाङ्कोपरिस्थां शिवां भावयामि ११
स्त्वमाकाशभूवायवस्त्वं महत्त्वम्
त्वदन्यो कश्चित्प्रपञ्चोऽस्ति सर्वं
त्वामानन्दसंवित्स्वरूपां जेऽहम् १२
श्रुतीनामगम्ये सुवेदागमज्ञा
महिम्नो जानन्ति पारं तवाम्ब
स्तुतिं कर्तुमिच्छामि ते त्वं भवानि
क्षमस्वेदमत्र प्रमुग्द्धः किलाहम् १३
गुरुस्त्वं शिवस्त्वं शक्तिस्त्वमे
त्वमेवासिमाता पिता त्वमे
त्वमेवासि विद्या त्वमेवासि बन्धुर्-
गतिर्मे मतिर्देवि सर्वं त्वमे १४
इतीमां महच्छ्रीभवानीभुजंगं
स्तुतिं यः ठेद्भक्तियुक्तश्च तस्मै
स्वकीयं पदं शाश्वतं वेदसारं
श्रियं चाष्टसिद्धिं भवानी ददाति १५
भवानी भवानी भवानी त्रिवार-
मुदारं मुदा सर्वदा ये जपन्ति
शोकं मोहं पापं भीतिः
कदाचित् कथंचित् कुतश्चिज्जनानाम् १६


Sri Bhavani Bhujangam
                                  Written by
                   Adhi Sankara Bhagwat Pada
                                Translated by

Shadathara pangeruham,  anthar virajath,
Sushumnantharalethi thejollasanthim,
Sudha mandalam dravayanthim  pibanthim,
Sudha moorthy meede chidananda roopam.                                  1

I bow before that personification of nectar,
Who is the ever lasting immortal  bliss,
Who is the luster in the Sushumna,
Which is in the six chakras of the body,
And who melts the moon and drinks its light.

Jwalath kodi balarka bhasarunangim,
Sulavanya srungara lokabhiramam,
Mahapadma kinjalka madhye virajat,
Trikone nishannam bhaje sri Bhavanim.                           2

I sing about that Bhavani,
Who sits in the triangle,
Which shines in the stamen of the great lotus,
Who has the luster of crores of rising suns,
Who is immensely pretty ,
And who attracts the entire world by her charm.

Kwanath Kinkini nuporoth bhasi  rathna,
Prabhaleeda  lakshardhra padaabhja yugmam,
Ajesachyuthadyai  surai sevyamanam,
Maha devi manmurdhy thee bhavayami.                                      3

Oh, great goddess please keep your feet ,
Which have jingling bells made of gems tied to it,
Which shine in the luster of  your wet lac painted feet,
And which are worshipped by Vishnu, Brahma and others
On my head and bless.

Susonamambara baddha ne  virajan
Maha rathna kanchi kalapam nithambham,
Sphurat dakshinavartha nabhim  cha thisro,
Vallerambha thee romarajim bajeham.                               4

I worship the streak of hair on your belly,
Thine shining navel circling to the left,
Thine hips dressed in red garments,
And your waist adorned with golden tinkling belt,
Studded with greatest of jewels.

Lasad Vrutha muthunga manikya kumbho,
Pamasri stanadwandha mbabujakshim,
Bhaje dugadha punarabhiramam thavedam,
Maha hara deeptham sada prasruthasyam.                        5

I worship thine twin radiant raised breasts full of milk,
Which are round and like the gem studded pot,
And which  are ever shining with milk,
Hey mother who has lotus like eyes.

Sirisha prasoonoolasaasad bahu dandair,
Jwaladwanakodanda pasangusaischa,
Chaladkankanodhara keyura bhoosho,
Jwaladd bharlasanthim Bhaje Sri Bhavanim.                     6

I worship that Bhavani
Who glitters with her arms,
Which are as delicate as Sirisa flowers,
And which carry arrow, bow , noose and goad,
And which shines with bangles and bracelets.

Sarad poorna Chandra prabha purna bimba,
Darasmera  vakthra aravindam susantham,
Su ratnavali hara  tataka shobham,
Maha suprasannam Bhaje Bhavanim.                            7

I worship that Bhavani ,
Who is extremely pleasant,
Who shines  like the full moon Of autumn,
Whose lotus like face is adorned with peace,
And who shines with gem studded necklace and ear studs.

Sunasaputam Sundara bru lalatam,
Thavo ashtai sriyam  dana daksham kadaksham,
Lalate lasadh randa kasthuri bhoosham,
Sphurachri mukambhoja meedeha mamba.                8

I praise thee Amba,
Who adorns your lotus like face,
With musk on the forehead and cheeks,
Who has very pretty nostrils,
Who has a pretty forehead,
Who has well formed beautiful lips.
And who is capable of blessing with a side long glance.

Chalath kunthalanthar brahmad bhrunga vrundam,
Ghana snighdha dhammila bushojwalam te,
Sphuran mauli manikhya  bandendu rekha,
Vilassollasad  deepya moordhana mede.                        9

I praise thine head,
Which is playfully radiant,
Which is adorned by the crescent moon,
Which is decorated by the line of gems,
In whose dense hair the swarm of bees,
Enter swirl and play,
And which is decorated ,
By densely woven white jasmine flowers.

Ithi sri Bhavani swaroopam thavedam,
Prapanchat param chahi sookshma prasannam,
Sphuratvambha dimbhasya mey hrth saroje,
Sada Vang mayam sarva thejo mayam cha.                 10

This form of yours , Oh Bhavani,
Which is much above the universe,
In its micro form,
May please shine in the lotus heart mine,
And bless me in your lustrous form,
So that I rule over the wealth of words.

Ganeshabhi mukkhyakhilai sakthi brundai,
Vrytham vai sphurajchakra rajollasanthim,
Param Raja rajeswari tripuri thwam,
Shivanngouparistha  shivaam bhavayami.                      11

I meditate on you, the wife of Shiva,
Who is sitting pleasantly on his lap,
Surrounded by Shakthis led by lord Ganesha,
Who is sitting highly radiant on the chakra raja,
And who is  Tripura and Rajarajeswari.

Thwam arka sthwam indu sthwam agni sthwam aapa,
Sthwam aakasa Bhoo , Vayavasthwam mahatwam,
Thwadanyo na kaschid prapanchosthi sarva,
Thwam ananda  samvit swaroopam  bhajeham.          12

I sing about you as a form of blissful knowledge,
As one to whom , there is none superior,
As you are the sun , moon, fire ,water,
Ether , earth , fire  and the great essence.

Sruthi namagamye suvedagamagne,
Mahimno na janathi param thavamba,
Sthuthim karthumichami they thwam Bhavani,
Sramasweda mathra pramugdha kilaham.           13

Though I know not thine greatness,
Wish I to praise you ,Oh ,  Bhavani,
Who is the knower of Vedas and Agamas,
And who is unreachable through scriptures.
So please pardon me for doing this.

Gurusthwm Shivasthwam cha Shakthisthwam meva,
Thwamevasi matha , pitha cha thwameva,
Thwammevasi vidhya , thwamevasi bhandhu,
Gathir meymathir devi sarvam thwameva.        14

You are my teacher, you are my lord Shiva,
You are the Goddess Shakthi,
You are my mother, you are my father,
You are the knowledge , you are my relations,
And so you are my only refuge, my only thought,
And everything that I can think of .

Saranye , varanye , sukarunya murthe,
Hiranyodharadyai  raganye, supunye,
Bhavaranya bheethescha maam pahi bhadre,
Namasthe , Namasthe, Namasthe , Bhavani.            15

Salutations, salutations and  salutations, Oh Bhavani,
You are my refuge, my boon and form of all mercy,
You are greatest among all devas, oh holy one,
And so , please protect me from this forest snare of life.

Ithi maam mahachchri Bhavani bujangam,
Sthuthim yah  pated bhakthi yukthascha thasmai,
Swakeeyam padam saswatham veda saram,
Sriyam chashtasidhim Bhavani dadathi.           16

Who ever correctly reads with devotion,
This great hymn praising Bhavani from head to toe,
Would attain a permanent place of salvation,
Which is the essence of Vedas,
And also get wealth and the eight occult powers.

Bhavani, Bhavani, Bhavani, Trivaram,
Mudaram mudha sarvadha ye japanthe,
Na soko , na moho na papam , na bheethi,
Kadachi, kadanchit kuthashrijananam.                   17

Three times repeat the holy name of Bhavani,
With devotion and repeatedly  for ever,
And get rid of sorrow, passion, sin and fear,
For all time and for all ways.


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